Jumping de Cagnes

Thank you very much,
see you in 2024!

The whole team of the Jumping International de Cagnes-sur-Mer, 2023 edition, would like to thank all the participants without whom this competition would not have been possible. Thank you to the riders for their loyalty as well as for the impressive sporting demonstrations we were able to enjoy. Thank you to the exhibitors for having been by our side during these two weeks, unfailing supporters of our riders and their mounts.

A huge thank you to our partners and sponsors without whom this adventure would not have been the same. They have coloured our tracks, our prize-giving ceremonies and even some animations for your greatest pleasure. (perhaps I’ll let you finish talking about it)

It is with joy that we give you an appointment in 2024 to relive this timeless experience that is the Jumping International de Cagnes-sur-Mer.

See you in the sun of the Côte d’Azur!

Séparateur Barre

The 2023 edition was ...

2 weeks of competition

Riders from all over the world
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Séparateur Barre

Coming to the Jumping International de Cagnes sur Mer

Free entry throughout the competition, catering on site for lunch and dinner. Free parking, shuttles from the car park to the arenas.

Animations for children at weekends.

Séparateur Barre
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